Haworth Homes
Haworth Homes
Haworth, NJ celebrated its centennial on July 10th, 2004. Haworth, NJ is 2.0 square miles, in the most northeastern part of the state of New Jersey, bordered by the Boroughs of Closter, Demarest, Dumont and Oradell, as well as the Oradell Reservoir. Population: 3390 (all urban).
Haworth, NJ is a suburb of New York City but remains a quiet town, full of small-town charm. The town has an excellent local school, Haworth Public School, as well as an excellent regional high school, Northern Valley Regional High School at Demarest. There are three houses of worship located throughout the town.
The median resident is 41 years old, has a household income of $101,836 (year 2000), significantly above state average, and lives in a house valued in excess of $378,400, significantly above state average. 93.9% of the residents 25 years and over have completed high school or higher, 57.0% have earned Bachelor's degree or higher, and 23.9% have earned Graduate or professional degrees.
Public primary/middle school in Haworth, NJ:
Haworth Public School has 467 students in grades KG - 08. With 27 full-time classroom teachers, the district's overall student/teacher ratio is 17.4:1. Haworth Boro allocates approximately $7,457 per pupil for instructional expenses.
Private primary/middle school in Haworth, NJ:
Bergen Center For Child Development serves 55 students in grades UG - UG.
High School for Haworth, NJ
Northern Valley Regional High School (NVRHS) at Demarest, NJ is an award winning blue ribbon high school located.
The school encourages individual academic excellence, aesthetic appreciation, and moral integrity. Recognition of academic and cultural diversity promotes mutual respect and acceptance. NVRHS provide a framework for the immediate and future concerns of its students. Such provisions require a constantly critical reevaluation of curriculum and course design to keep abreast of global research and new techniques within our respective disciplines. NVRHS promotes students' respect for learning and their desire to acquire knowledge through traditional, as well as, appropriate technological means.
Education requires a shared commitment. Therefore, the responsibility of the community is to support and complement the school's philosophy and goals. This joint commitment of students, professional staff, Board of Education, and community forms the basis for a challenging and effective program.
Outside your Haworth Home
The mission of the Haworth Municipal Library is to inform, educate, enrich and entertain our community. Haworth Municipal Library offers 28,272 books; 1,386 audio materials; 973 video materials; 77 serial subscriptions.
Houses in Haworth, NJ
There are 1146 houses in Haworth, NJ: 1134 occupied: 1077 owner occupied, 57 renter occupied. Homes have been constructed from 1939 through this year.
An average Single Family Ranch style home might include an attached 2-car Garage, Paved driveway, Central air conditioning, Basement recreation room, Fireplace(s), Dining room 3 total bedroom(s), 2 total full bath(s), 7 total rooms, Dining room, Formal dining room, Foyer, Living room, Recreation room, Eat-in kitchen, Bathroom(s) on 1st floor/level, Family room on 1st, Carpet, Wood floors, Natural gas fuel, Hot water heat, Gas range and oven, High ceiling(s).
Outside your Haworth Home: Medical care near Haworth, NJ
Pascack Valley Hospital (about 5 miles; Westwood, NJ), Englewood Hospital & Med Ctr (about 5 miles; Englewood, NJ), Holy Name Hospital (about 5 miles; Teaneck, NJ).
Outside your Haworth Home: Airports nearest Haworth, NJ
Teterboro (about 9 miles; Teterboro, NJ)
La Guardia (about 16 miles; New York, NY)
Colleges/universities (2000+ student body) nearest Haworth, NJ
Mercy College-Main Campus, Dobbs Ferry, NY; Manhattan College, Bronx, NY; Fairleigh Dickinson University-All Campuses, Teaneck, NJ; Bergen Community College, Paramus, NJ; CUNY Lehman College, Bronx, NY; Monroe College-Main Campus, Bronx, NY; Fordham University, Bronx, NY; Yeshiva University, New York, NY; CUNY Bronx Community College, Bronx, NY.
Borough of Haworth, New Jersey
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