Bryan Manor
Bryan Manor

Old Chester Road
Gladstone, NJ 07934
(908) 234 – 0687 (Voice)
(908)-234-1574 (Fax)

When someone in your family needs care, you want assurance that they receive the attention they deserve. You also want to be sure they are in a safe, clean and friendly environment.
Residents truly feel as if they are the center of attention at Bryan Manor. The entire staff strives to provide the most comfortable environment possible for each of them. From their laundry to their meals to administering their medications, their very being is our primary concern. Monthly resident meetings provide feed back to the administration and staff about their likes and dislikes; activities they would like to add, foods they would like to eat, trips they would like to take, etc. The residents’ safety, well-being and comfort level are the primary focus at Bryan Manor. We know it is the small, personal, and caring things that make someone feel special. These are the things we keep in mind each time we touch a resident’s life.

Three delicious, home-cooked meals a day with afternoon and evening snacks.

o Menus change weekly & Seasonally

• Three delicious, home-cooked meals a day with afternoon and
evening snacks

• 24 hour assistance with daily activities such as bathing,
dressing and groomin

• Linen, laundry and housekeeping

• Recreational activities

• Supervised medications

• New friendships

• Beautician

• Small, intimate living environment

• In house pets

• Educational Programs / Museum Trips

• Benefits of a facility with over a decade of care giving experience.

• Stimulating and supportive environment

• Monthly Podiatrist visits

• Continued involvement with family, friends, and community

• Diagnostic procedures and therapies can be arranged

• Registered Nurse:

• provides health education
• wellness screening
• works with the resident’s personal physician to provide
• health supervision and medical care when needed

© 2003 Bryan Manor™ All rights reserved.

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