Alloway Township New Jersey
Alloway Township New Jersey
Alloway Township New Jersey is a community in Salem County in South Jersey that has a population of 2,774 people according to the 2000 United States Census Bureau Report. Local points of interest include: Slabtown Lake, Bostwick Lake, Greenwood Lake, Kate’s Creek Meadow, Thundergut Pond, Avis Mill Pond, Carney’s Point, Hopewell, Salem, Upper Pittsgrove, Lower Alloways Creek and Stow Creek. Some local roads include: U.S. Highway 40 and New Jersey Route 45.
An early name for the community was Allowaystown. In 1882, the name was simplified to Alloway. In the early 1800’s there were two shipyards, two hotels and a number of stores.
There are two good sources for information and history that I found invaluable in preparing this Alloway feature are:
West Jersey Historical Society Feature on Place Names of Salem County
Salem County’s Alloway Feature
If you have stories or pictures from Alloway Township, we would love to share them with our readers. Leave us a comment below.
Categories: This is My Town: NJ
Tags: alloway, alloway township, alloway township nj, new jersey, nj, nj townships, south jersey, west jersey
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